World’s Greatest Smile (WGS)
current Earth's surface temperature: 15°C (rising)
Travel information for your journeys on Earth
If this is your first visit to Earth, if you’re a frequent visitor or if you even decided to make Earth your temporary or permanent home, this page will provide you with some of the information you need to survive your stay on Earth. It might even be a pleasant time - even if some of Earth’s inhabitants are a bit challenging from time to time. So hang in there, learn and you’ll be just fine...!
10/06/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
10/05/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
09/15/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
I just finished creating some new “Vegan”-Shirts and added them to the shop...!
All proceeds of this shop help to fund the World’s Greatest Smile Human Rights and Peace Project. They keep it alive and help it grow! Thank you very much for your support!
You can choose between several shirt colours and they come as female’s, male’s and kid’s shirts.
VEGAN (The print glows in the dark...!)
VEGAN and loving it (speciality flex print)
09/14/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/24/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/19/2015, Andreas, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/18/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/12/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
Because we can...
We live in a wonderful time! We can have a picture of the “other side” of Pluto. We can get tons and tons of information, entertainment and communication via internet. We can cure illnesses that were a death sentence just a little while ago. We live in an amazing time, don't we?!
So what do we do in these times of abundance? Countries close their borders for those in desperate need of refuge from war and suffering not because their residents earned somehow to be born in a safer country - they only do it because they can. People receive expensive medical care to cure their diseases of affluence while others starve to death - because they can. People live in luxury while others live in the street, not because they deserve to live in abundance for any moral reason - but because they can. Some enjoy a life in a country whose inhabitants have a life expectancy almost 40 years longer than humans in another country. They enjoy that privilege not because they are better human beings - but just because they can. The list goes on and on. There are so many social injustices that are just not justifiable.
So here is my thinking: Why don't we feed the hungry - just because we can? Why don't we shelter those who are in need of protection - just because we can? Why don't we take care of those in need, those in our neighbourhoods and those on the other side of the planet - because we can? We can - so let's do it!
08/07/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/05/2015, Andreas, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/04/2015, Andreas, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
08/03/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
07/30/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
New Human Rights Awareness shirt!
And here are more: Human Rights shirts...!
07/23/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
Here is the newest of my new Human Rights Awareness Shirts that I design for our Human Rights project World's Greatest Smile. Here are more: Human Rights shirts...!
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 19:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
07/16/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
07/16/2015, Andreas, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
07/15/2015, Andreas, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
available as print
07/14/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
Human Rights shirts...!
I'm very excited because I started to design a new T-Shirt series with Human Rights topics for our Human Rights project “World's Greatest Smile”...!
They come in adult and kids sizes and lots of shirt-colours!
The proceeds of the shirts will be donated to the “World's Greatest Smile”!
Have a look here: Human Rights shirts...!
07/13/2015, Meike, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
We cordially welcome you to our new World’s Greatest Smile project
Welcome to Earth!
It’s going to be an exciting, important and even fun journey and you are heartily invited to be part of it!